Dangerous R&r Show Podcast

Dangerous R&R SHOW 22....Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Podcast



John Lydon was wrong: anger is not an energy.....Over the last few months, the nation has morphed into Howard Beale. We are, as Beale roared, as mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more. With every passing week, every passing live current affairs show, every passing protest march, the anger mounts. This anger is applied indiscriminately left, right and centre. We’re angry with politicians, highly paid TV presenters, unions, highly paid union leaders, rich folk, folk who used to be rich, poor folks, builders, developers, emigrants, immigrants, public sector workers, private sector workers, bankers, footballers, football pundits, the FAI, Morrissey, neighbours, relatives and friends. Oh, and journalists too. It’s an equal opportunities kind of anger. But the problem with anger is that it doesn’t get you anywhere. You vent, rant and fume but, when you’re finished venting, ranting and fuming, you’re still in the same pickle that you were in when you began. It may be entertaining to watch someone go off