Win A Pageant | Professional Pageant Coaching With Alycia Darby

092: How to Become a Pageant Star



One thing that is obvious to most pageant women is that in order to win your pageant, you have to truly be a star. When you meet a star, you'll know it, but it's hard to explain what it really means to be a star. It's also evident when it's not there, when something is missing even if you can't quite put your finger on what exactly is missing. In this episode, we're going to unpack exactly what this 'star' quality looks like through the analogy of a real star in the galaxy. Then, I'm going to explain how being a star gets you to the top. Finally, I'm going to break down how you can exude that star quality to get to the top! For details from this episode and more resources visit: Email the host at     © Alycia Darby Zimnoch 2017 Win A Pageant  All Rights Reserved.