On Air With Stephanie Synclair

EP027: Quantum Leap your Business by Becoming a Best-Selling Author on Amazon



2016 is a brand new year to quantum leap your business. Instead of making resolutions for this year, decide to make life changes and really work to get the life and business you desire. Start by writing a book that solves a problem and then follow Stephanie’s six simple steps to make your book a bestseller on Amazon. Then, to keep up with all of the new business your book is bringing you, perform daily rituals to keep your mind clear and your creative energy high.    Key Takeaways: [0:50] What exactly does it mean to quantum leap your business? [2:00] A 2016 fitness life change [4:08] Do the things you are brilliant at in your business, hire someone else for the rest [10:55] 6 quick steps to becoming a best-selling Amazon author  Write a book that solves a problem Start prepping the audience before you release the book Release your book on the kindle with a keyword-rich title Make your book free for 5 days Send e-mails, post on social media and spend money on advertising Increase the price every day for 7 da