On Air With Stephanie Synclair

EP035: Stephanie's Social Media Spectacular



For the first time ever, Stephanie is dedicating an entire show to the wonderful and often underutilized world of social media. Stephanie is a social media maven with thousands of followers on multiple platforms and she's here to share her secrets with you. No matter what kind of business you are in, you're missing out on clients and dollars if you're not contributing on social media.  Free offer – If you want a chance to win $130k in free consulting products go to Startmyleap.com and sign up for my new Business Alchemy Show on Periscope.   Key Takeaways: [0:47] What exactly does it mean to quantum leap your business? [1:16] Stephanie is still riding the high from her Iconic Business Academy live event and she's preparing for a special launch... [4:20] It's time for a new set of global leaders to present themselves, are you ready to be one? [6:10] Today's Topics [8:51] How to make your clients fall in love with you by posting on Instagram. [19:49] 2 ways you can make MAJOR money using the free streaming platf