On Air With Stephanie Synclair

EP040: Become An Expert On Becoming An Expert



There's a reason people are looking for experts. It's because they know what they are talking about. Do people know that YOU are an expert in your field? If not, then you're just another name on a list. You don't need to be famous to be well known, especially in your area of expertise so get out there and let everyone know that you know what you're talking about.   Free offer – If you want a chance to win $130k in free consulting products go to Startmyleap.com and sign up for my new Business Alchemy Show on Periscope.   Key Takeaways: [0:47] What exactly does it mean to quantum leap your business? [1:30] Stephanie is so excited to unveil details about  her She's Iconic retreat that will be taking place soon. [7:00]  Today's Topics [9:00] How to create a lasting influence in your industry [24:00] What is an expert and how to establish yourself as an expert? [34:00] How to become a best selling author on Amazon and stay there for a month.