Ron Renaud's Uncompromised Talk

Uncompromised Talk with Jonathan Pageau and Ron Renaud



Jonathan Pageau – What a great conversation! I love his insightfulness, wisdom and directness. One of only a few traditional Christian iconographers around the world, he’s also an expert in Christian symbolism and its application to the world in general. You have to check out his engravings (see link below) —they’re simply stunning. We started talking about the “new” concept of “my truth” vs. or alongside The Truth. He talked about how our intuitions, thoughts, emotions and our balancing of these things becomes our integrity. He also covered the idea that we need to introduce a bit of chaos in life (or society) to keep it from expressing itself in more destructive ways in our lives/society. This is one of those conversations that I could have continued for another couple hours. I hope you enjoy it! @PageauJonathan Contact Ron Twitter: @Ron_Renaud Instagram: ron_renaud Facebook: