Weight Loss Nation

Make Me Happy Soup! S3 Ep048



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Welcome to Autumn! I love the month of October! I miss seeing the leaves change color, but the pictures I have stored in my memory are serving me well, while I live in Florida. The fall also brings up fond memories of my grand-mother cooking pumpkin and squash this time of year.  Butternut Squash is soooo good for you! Here are some incredible healthy reasons to eat Butternut Squash: #1.   1 Cup of Butternut Squash has about 500mg of Potassium, which helps lower your blood pressure. #2.   1 Cup also contains about 7 gms of Fiber, which will prevent constipation and maintain a healthy digestive tract by supporting the "good bacteria" in your gut. #3.   Butternut squash is loaded with vitamin A—one cup of squash has over 350 percent of the recommended daily allowance , which is important for healthy eyesight.     #4.    Manganese is also in Butternut Squash, which helps your body maintain healthy bones.  #5.   With half of the daily required dose of Vitamin C