Weight Loss Nation

Why YOUR New Year's Resolution is Going to Fail!



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Happy 2019! It's a NEW Year! You have a clean slate! Leave any negativity you had behind you. Every New Year's Eve....Millions of people make New Year "RESONLUTIONS." All these people are ready to take on the world to.....Lose 100lbs.....Make a Million Dollars....take a trip "Around the World,"......and many, many other types of RESOLUTIONS. The "hard" fact is.......just about 8% of people will achieve their New Year's RESOLUTION.  Why you ask? It's a simple answer. The majority of us have competing priorities in our lives. We have kids, we have pets, we help take care of our parents, our grand-parents.....we volunteer at very passionate places....AND.....we WORK! It is soooo difficult to meet an outrageous, difficult RESOULUTION, while you are "Living" your life! The Fact is..... HUGE New Year RESOLUTIONS are a "set-up" for Failure.....right from the start. Let's look at an alternative. Make a TANGIBLE....AND......ATTAINABLE GOAL! Let's use this example....