Weight Loss Nation

Are You An Emotional Eater And An Over Eater?



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Here we are at the end of March....AND....I just had an AHA moment. A BIG one! So BIG...that it has caused a "Transitional Shift" on my Weight Loss Journey. I just realized after two years....(not kidding)....that I NEVER need a "Take-Out" box, when I go out to eat. Almost everyone around me, usually takes a portion of their food home with them. NEVER me! I also started playing "pickleball." Ever heard of it? It's a combination of tennis, badmitten and ping-pong. You usually play with a partner and the court is smaller than the size of a tennis court. You also play with a plastic "wiffle" type of ball and the racquets are square! I LOVE it! Another physical activity I want to do! Well, I started playing....and after just a few games, my knees are killing me! I'm in MUCHO pain! I figured out that my body is telling me....."Diane, you are still too heavy for your joints." I NEED to lose more weight to keep the burden off my knees and ankles. How much?? I have