Keen On Retirement

Leading By Example



As regular readers and listeners know, I recently turned 50 and I do worry about the world that my generation is leaving behind for our children and grandchildren. If you get too caught up in chatter on cable news and social media, it can leave you feeling pretty scared and frustrated. And if you believe the stereotypes about the upcoming millennial generation, we’re leaving some pretty serious problems in the hands of kids who are entitled, self-absorbed, and incapable of handling basic adult responsibilities - or so they say. That’s why I invited US Air Force Academy graduate, Second Lieutenant Matt Robbins on today’s show. I’ve known Matt since he was a 15-year-old volunteer at my flight school. Today, at 22, he’s working towards his Masters in aeronautical engineering as he begins his career serving our country. I think listening to Matt discuss his worldview, his commitment to service, and his pursuit of excellence is going to make you feel a heck of a lot more positive about how the next generation is g