Keen On Retirement

Setting the Record Straight on Three Election Scenarios



In four of the last five presidential elections, the Democratic and Republican candidates were separated by just 5% of the popular vote. And, in two of those four elections, the winner of the popular vote lost the Electoral College. So, while there’s a lot of anxiety surrounding just how close next month’s election might be, it’s worth noting that our country has made it through some very tight races in recent years. Moreover, if you dig a little deeper into the framework that our Founding Fathers designed, you’ll find some extra layers of contingency planning that can guide us through some complicated election scenarios and ensure that our government keeps functioning. We hope that by talking through three of these election scenarios on today’s episode, we’ll help dispel some misconceptions, alleviate some worries, and provide some advice on how to keep the next month in U.S. politics in perspective when you’re thinking about your financial plan.