Jane Hamill | Podcast

Retailer Secrets: 10 Lessons from 10 Years in Retail with Kirsten Skoglund



"Sometimes people are really, truly insane. But you're in retail so you stay nice no matter what. Retail Lesson number one -- the magic is in being nice." There's what you think it will be like to own a retail store and then there's the every day reality. I owned a women's boutique for 14 years and let me tell ya, it's not for wusses. It's more fun than you ever imagined and it's waaaaayyyyyy harder than you ever imagined.  My guest today tells us what it's really like to own and operate a boutique. Kirsten Skoglund owned a knitting shop with her sister for 10 years in Minnesota. Like most people who go into retail, she never thought she would. She's a former HR executive who had a passion for knitting - and a business was launched. Kirsten is funny, smart, and honest in this interview. She's also the new accountability coach (woot!woot!) in my Imperfect Action membership. She ROCKS.  Some snippets from the interview: "It can be pretty lonely being a retail store owner because you really don't have a whole l