Jane Hamill | Podcast

Understanding and Not Being Afraid of Cash Flow with Layne Booth from Project Booth



My guest today is Layne Booth, CEO of the Project Booth. Her goal is to "bring the data and not the drama to actually grow your business". In this episode, Layne and I discuss how product-based business owners can get a better understanding of cash flow, inventory management, timing of deliveries, and more. Data and numbers are swirling around in every business. This can be very overwhelming and uncomfortable if you don't understand what the numbers really mean.  When I owned my retail store, I was obsessed with cash flow. Obsessed (and anxious). My Chicago boutique often carried $500K in inventory - a huge investment I was always worried about screwing up. Layne helps business owners with all things data and numbers - online shop owners, Amazon sellers, and brick and mortar boutique owners.  Let's face it, numbers, speadsheets, and dashboards freak some people out a little. Layne just gets it. And she makes it wasier for us to understand.  Enjoy! Show Notes and Layne's Free Masterclass back on the blog: htt