

Hi, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome this Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast   This is show 20 and Show notes can be found at   Today’s question is - How do I transition from Employee and develop the mindset of an entrepreneur?   SPONSOR   Solid success Language is critical to your growth in Network Marketing. Feeling confident and knowing what to say when you make your list and begin calling people, to share what you are doing; to knowing how to handle objections, and dealing with questions that arise when maybe you’ve been involved in other businesses in the past. StreetSmartScripts will teach you the right things to say at all the right times.     Today’s question is…. from Heather, by email, who asks - How do I transition from Employee and develop the mindset of an entrepreneur?   ANSWER   It’s really about education and personal development.   As employees we put in a set amount of hours for a set amount of pay, and if w