Empowering Smes

Business Plans



Have you got a business plan?  Do you know what purpose it will serve your business?  Have you talked to your accountant/advisor about helping you to prepare a business plan?  This is the facilitation role that accountants/advisors could perform.  The main group of people involved in a business planning process are you and your team and your accountant/advisor is there to facilitate, ask the questions, record what you’re saying and try to get feedback from you and your team as to what they perceive should be happening within your business.   ESS BIZTOOLS and ESS Small Business have developed material that accountants/advisors can utilise to be able to fully discuss with you all aspects of your business.  This can be encompassed with forms, articles, briefing documents and questionnaires, to assist in understanding what your aims are in your business.   This is a very important process because, if you have a business plan, you can then measure your actual performance every month, quarter, six months and, indee