Empowering Smes

6 Steps to Boost Your Productivity and Profits



Hello, I'm Peter Towers for ESS Small Business.   We have a special webinar coming up on the 19th October 2016 for small/medium enterprise operators who are looking for a boost to their businesses.   This webinar is particularly aimed at people aged over 50 who are operating businesses.  But don't worry, those of you who are younger it also equally applies for you; because one day, you'll also be 50.   The presentation is going to be made by Lorraine Pirihi.  Lorraine is going to be looking at freeing up time and what matters to you, as a business operator.   The key items to be discussed include: Get the right team in place. Master the skill of productive marketing. Staying on track with effective systems. Focus on creating wealth. Make time for yourself and time for your family and priorities.   Lorraine Pirihi is a coach, a productivity expert, a mentor, a speaker and author and I'm sure that she will make a great presentation which will make you think about various aspects of your business.   Why don't