Sales Integrity

41: Creating Content (Part 1) - The Case Study



“95% of buyers chose a solution provider that provided them with ample content to help navigate through each stage of the buying process.” [Source: DemandGen Report]  We shift our attention to a new theme we will focus on moving forward on the Sales Integrity Podcast, which is “Creating Content”. Given that all of the research points to buyers needing to consume multiple pieces of content from a vendor before buying from them, we will focus on creating one piece per episode moving forward. This renewed focus will build upon our previous “Prospecting by the Numbers” discussion and provide our listeners with plenty of ideas on how to create valuable content they can use within their prospecting and selling efforts. Today we focus on the process associated towards creating a Case Study. We provide three steps and tips on how to quickly create a simple one-page Case Study that will be compelling to your target audience. If you have always known you should be telling success stories and sharing case studies with y