Risk Everyday With Kristy Arnett

The Completely Counterintuitive Secret to High-Quality Results



What are the fundamental ways of being to have quality results in your life? Is it patience? Is it your mindset? Is it slowing down? Something that we don't usually think of when we think of successful people is their ability to slow down. Today, in the first part of a two-part episode, I interview Chris Pimmer, instructor of Self Mastery: Upgrade Your Mindset & Thought Patterns. Chris Pimmer is a philosopher, instructor on Udemy, a Taoist, a thinker, and writer. He knows four languages, was a semi-pro basketball player and has lost over 70 pounds. He credits his most triumphant moments to slowing down and having patience.  Listen as we discuss how to have quality results by slowing down and keeping your patience in check. Enroll in Chris Pimmer's Course: Self Mastery: Upgrade Your Mindset & Thought Patterns Follow Chris on Twitter: @chrismission   Show Notes:  [01:48] I'm committed to making it a priority to actually do that for 2018. Review the year and take in the best of what I've learned into 201