Risk Everyday With Kristy Arnett

Hack Your Memory



We have all been there; you are at an event, you're going around meeting new people, you have a lengthy conversation with a new acquaintance, but you instantly forget their name. It can be embarrassing, and you can feel guilty for not paying close enough attention, but it doesn't have to be this way. With practice and going back to your childhood imagination skills, you can enhance your memory. Today we are back with Chris Pimmer to discuss how to hack your memory. Listen as Chris teaches us steps to remembering everything from names to memorizing a deck of cards. Take a course with Chris Pimmer   Show Notes: McDonalds 1. Parking Lot 2. Door 3. Bathroom door 4. Tables 5. Counter 6. Straw and Napkin Box 7. Cashier 8. Offerings Screens 9. Drive through order 10. Drive through delivery window ________________________________________ One Bun Attitude Two Shoe Priorities Three Tree Health Four Door Family Five Hive Thinking Six Sticks Commitment Seven Heaven Finances Eight Gate Faith Nine Whine Relationships Ten