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011 - Dr. Stephen Barrie - Improving Performance By Optimizing Your Microbiome



Gut health is one of the hottest topics in the medical industry right now, as research is revealing the critical role it plays in all aspects of health. Dr. Stephen Barrie is executive with Viome – which is a company that tests and tracks the exact composition of your microbiome. Chronic illnesses caused by an imbalance in the microbiome are a huge hindrance to performing to your full potential, and Dr. Barrie shares how Viome maps your gut and shows you the foods you need to eat (and avoid) to restore balance. Elliot and Dr. Barrie also discuss how optimizing your microbiome improves performance for those who wouldn't immediately identify as having a gut health problem. In This Episode... [2:05] Did you know there are 100 trillion microbial cells in and on the human body? That’s 10x the 10 trillion human cells we have. Recent studies show that an imbalance in this microbiome leads to 90% of all human disease including Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s, and Type 2 Diabetes. [5:15] How Viome measures the exact compos