Steele Wars : Live Star Wars Call In Show

Live Call In Show - Ep 9 : Criss Fresh of The Geek Dudes Podcast - What really matters in Star Wars fandom, Rouge One listener questions & much more



Criss Fresh of the Geek Dudes podcast joins us to discuss... -Rogue One and what REALLY matters right now -Steele Wars Listener Safe Haven facebook group -Jimmy Smits and his most cameo of cameos -Rogue One international trailer: how much new footage is in it? -Was Jedha specifically targeted because of it’s ties to the Jedi? -Bratty Jyn vs Hopeful Leader Jyn -Is Luke Skywalker the Ultimate Hero? Or is it Bail Organa? -Does an actor’s reluctance to return to the franchise change your opinion of the character they portray? -Will the Rogue One reshoots “Marvelize” the film, and will all the future films have the same feel? -Comedy in Star Wars films -Iconic trailer lines that may be altered in the final version of the film -King Tom’s proposed documentary style opening for Rogue One  Plus in the ONE HOUR SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION… -Steele’s love of a great montage -Darth Vader’s middle management role -Anakin’s betrayal, Mace’s death* and Yoda&rsqu