Steele Wars : Live Star Wars Call In Show

Live Call In Show – Ep 42 : With Charlotte Errity of Skytalkers & your J.J. Abrams calls



Charlotte Errity of the Skytalkers Podcast joins us to discuss...   -Feeling sorry for Star Wars podcasters -Charlotte's clone -Steele reenacts Charlotte introducing Caitlin Plesher to Star Wars -Disneyland is double exciting for non-Americans -McDonald's vs Macca's -The return of JJ Abrams -The right amount of time between Star Wars film releases -The anxiety builds as The Last Jedi release gets closer -Boba Fett's bro-iness and how he should be written as a character -Steele tries to get Charlotte in trouble with the anti-Disney BBL crowd -The upcoming From A Certain Point Of View book release -King Tom from Columbus, Ohio leads off the calls to give us a Giant Porg update