International Journal Of Stroke: Podcast Series

Antagonizing Dabigatran by Idarucizumab in Cases of Ischemic Stroke or Intracranial Hemorrhage in Germany – Updated Series of 120 Cases: Pawel Kermer



Idarucizumab is a monoclonal antibody fragment with high affinity for dabigatran reversing its anticoagulant effects within minutes. Patients with acute ischemic stroke on dabigatran treatment may become eligible for thrombolysis with rt-PA. In patients on dabigatran with intracerebral hemorrhage idarucizumab could prevent lesion growth. Carmen Lahiff-Jenkins, Managing Editor of the International Journal of Stroke spoke to Dr Pawel Kermer from Krankenhaus Sanderbusch; Neurology, Sande Germany.  Read the article link here