Great Managers® Masterclass With Sandra Wood

How to Build a Compassionate Workplace (Dealing with Grief and Loss)



It’s likely that you, or someone you know has experienced grief and loss. Death, illness and challenging times are a part of life, but many of us are not equipped to communicate skilfully with others at these times, particularly in the workplace. Let’s face it, having conversations about death, tragedy, illness and challenging times are not easy or comfortable, but at some point, we’ll all face a situation when we’re going to need to do so. In this extract from a recent Great Managers MasterClass, we’re going to show you how to get more comfortable ‘discussing the undiscussables’ and allow you to Build a Compassionate Workplace! We’ll interview Groundswell Project Executive Director Jessie Williams. The Groundswell Project was established 5 years ago to enable social and cultural change when it comes to death and dying in Australia. Their aim is to promote resilience and wellbeing in response to end-of-life issues and to encourage people to build their death literacy. Their goal is to make it easier fo