Spartan Up! - A Spartan Race For The Mind!

How Much Caffeine is Too Much? - Spartan HEALTH ep 003



Caffeine in one form or another is used by about 90% of Americans every single day. How much caffeine you consume can have a direct effect on your health. Know your limits and the signs and symptoms of too much caffeine.   WHAT WE COVER:   We’ve all been there…you’re dragging and have a busy day ahead…you need a quick boost. Many of us turn to caffeine.  First of all, I’ve never known of anyone to die from caffeine overdose. Although death by caffeine sounds unlikely…can it occur and how much is too much? So, about 400mg of caffeine is the point at which most of us can develop caffeine intoxication. What does that mean? Physically you: -Start to sweat -Get Clammy hands -Feel Heart palpitations -You can become Irritable, agitated, jittery and it’s hard to sit still -In its most severe case, it can cause life threatening atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) which can prompt an MI (myocardial infarct) or heart attack.  Well, how much caffeine is in the stuff we drink? Your typical 8 oz cup of black coffe