Spartan Up! - A Spartan Race For The Mind!

The Power of Positive Thinking - SPARTAN MIND ep. 019



The data is pretty clear - the way that you think about yourself impacts your performance. Plain and simple. When you are engaging in more positive thinking patterns and see the world through a more positive lens, your performance in various arenas increases. Whether it’s your career, your relationships, or your performance out on the Spartan course, how you come out in the end will depend on the way that you think about yourself and the language you use for yourself. The more positive your thinking, the more improved you can expect your performance.   LESSONS: Thinking positively increases your performance in various arenas of life. When you engage in more positive thinking patterns, you are more likely to operate with greater confidence and faith in yourself. Try to shift away from negative, self-deprecating thoughts and start implementing more positive affirmations and mantras.   SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play: