Spartan Up! - A Spartan Race For The Mind!

Good News About Brown Fat: Another Good Reason to Exercise // SPARTAN HEALTH 023



Just when you thought you knew all the reasons why exercise is good for you, a new scientific discovery gives us yet another one. Today on Spartan Health we’re going to talk about something called “brown fat” or “good fat.” WHAT WE TALK ABOUT Recent research has found some possible explanations for why a substance called “brown fat” can actually increase your metabolism. Its beneficial qualities have motivated some people to call it “good fat.” But before we get too deep in the scientific weeds, let’s make a distinction between brown fat and it’s far better-known cousin, white fat. White fat is the fat most people think of when they’re focused on losing weight and is used mainly for energy storage in the body. It’s also an efficient insulator and helps to prevent the body from losing heat. Now to “Brown fat.” Its color is different from white fat because it contains a large number of mitochondria (energy structures in your cells that have high iron levels). This type of fat can actually produce heat on its o