Spartan Up! - A Spartan Race For The Mind!

Mini: How to Get Things in Control with Dr. Lara Pence / MIND



When things feel really out of our control, we often move into a position of helplessness. We can operate from a victim mindset, throw our hands up, and believe that we’ve got zero power. The truth is, there are absolutely going to be times in your life when things happen outside of you that are not in your control. However, there are ways that you can shift your perspective to give yourself a sense of greater control. By considering the things that are in your control and implementing greater agency over your emotional response, you can put yourself in the driver seat again.   LESSONS: Sometimes there will be things in your life that you cannot control - when this happens perspective is key. Exercise self-agency by thinking of all the things that you can control, rather than what is out of your control. Remember, something that you can always control is your emotional response. So respond to your own emotions with clarity and strength. SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: http://bi