Spartan Up! - A Spartan Race For The Mind!

Busting stereotypes and Running Ultras with The Mirnavator!



What does an Ultra Runner look like? Sometimes it looks like Mirna Valerio! Mirna, “The Mirnavator,” is busting expectations and stereotypes and she’s on a mission to make trail running, fitness and the outdoors accessible to all. She and Joe De Sena talk about some of the challenges and rewards of being an unconventional runner.  “I feel my most human out on the trails.” New to trail running?  She shares her 6 key tips to getting the most out of the sport.    Mirna says  “I’m not out here to win sh*t, I’m out here to be on trails and show people that …  if you have a body like mine you can be on trails too!” Nature, fitness, Spartan races and trail running are for everyone. Have you thought about what you can do to help us on our mission to rip 100million people off the couch?  Are you welcoming new and different athletes to our sport? Forget the excuses, don’t be afraid to fail and just get out there - and inspire others to join you!  LESSONS Live an enthusiastic life  Find the greatness in yourself  Em