Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo Diet, Nutrition, Fitness, And Health

Episode 420 - Q&A with Robb and Nicki #13



We're back with Robb and Nicki for Q&A #13. Listen in as we answer some of your submitted questions! We'll be switching to doing mostly Q&A episodes from now on, so hope you guys like these!   Show Notes: 1. [1:58] Electrolytes the whole time? Rob says: Question for you that I can’t seem to find an answer to anywhere else: do I need to continue to consume the high levels of electrolytes entire time I’m on keto? I am still doing it twice a day drink mix with about 2300mg Na, 350mg Mg, 1200mg K. 2. [4:14] Genetic Testing Joseph says: Robb and Nikki I was wondering which genetic testing brand you recommend. Joe 3. [6:00] FTO Polymorphism Justin says: Hi Robb and Nicki! My wife and I both did our 23andme years ago but just recently ran it through Dr. Rhonda Patrick's Genome Analysis Tool. We both have FTO polymorphisms that put us at highest risk of obesity specifically from saturated fat consumption and it looks like high levels of saturated fat by itself even causes insulin dumps with this polymorphism.