Inspired Conversations With Amy Schuber

445 Ben Saltzman, The Coaches Coach, Igniter of Human Potential



Ben Saltzman, MA. is “The Coaches Coach” the igniter of human potential, an internationally known seminar facilitator, shadow dancer, fortune 500 leadership trainer, and coach to spiritually minded multi-millionaire entrepreneurs. As a radio personality, he was co-host of the Mind, Body Spirit show. Thousands of people from many countries have been through his seminars in the past 20 years. His coaching clients have raised hundreds of millions of dollars, and invest billions of dollars in projects that support the saving of our environment and social justice causes. In Corporate America he’s passed from CEO to CEO behind closed doors and referred to as “That Magic Coach”… in Spiritual circles he’s known for breakthrough money manifestation and referred to as “The Money Mystic” who creates rainmakers for organizations. Past clients include Hewlett Packard, The Gap, Levi Strauss, the United States Airforce, Guidant, Broadview, Intel Corp., Hunt Oil, Exar, BOSCH, The Global Fund for Women, Capricorn Investments,