Knowledge For Men – more Purpose, Success, Happiness & Freedom

The Misfits Guide to Achieving Massive Success with Hardcore Closer Ryan Stewman



Ryan Stewman is a high-performance sales coach and trainer who went from spending two stints in federal prison to building a multiple seven figure income. He is the author of several best-selling books including Kick-Ass, Bulletproof Business, Elevator to the Top, and Hardcore Closer. You can learn more and connect with Ryan at Favorite Success Quote “You must take action before you can take over.” Key Points 1. Knowledge is Only Power if You Take Action  You often hear the phrase “Knowledge is Power”. This simply isn’t true. In and of itself, knowledge is useless. Knowledge doesn’t do anything. It can’t add money to your bank account. It can’t make you ripped. It can’t help you find the woman of your dreams. It can’t do a damn thing. As the (in)famous entrepreneur and investor Derek Sivers said: If [more]information was the answer we’d all be billionaires with six packs. But we aren’t and it isn’t. Knowledge is only power if it’s applied. It’s only worth a damn if you use it. It only mat