Changeability Podcast: Manage Your Mind - Change Your Life

CA029: Step by step visualization



Do you like to daydream? As a child were you told off for daydreaming in the classroom when you were supposed to be doing your school work? Maybe you were imagining what you were going to do with your friends after school, or what you wanted to be when you grew up, or how great it would be when you were old enough to do what you wanted.  If so don’t knock it, you were practicing a useful technique to help you get that life you dreamt of having.  Because visualization is like daydreaming on purpose. “To dream by night is to escape your life. To dream by day is to make it happen.” Stephen Richards   And with some tips on how to make the most of your imaginings and a bit of practice you can hone your daydreaming so it becomes a great mind management tool for you. That’s what we help you to do in episode 29 of the Changeability Podcast. Episode 29 The Changeability Podcast This week’s episode is a slightly different format (not that we really have a set format!) – with a practical show of two halves. In the fir