The Highly Sensitive Person Podcast

17. Highly "Sensory" People



Episode 17 of the Highly Sensitive Person Podcast is brought to you by the word sensitive. A blog reader, Mike Voss, gave me the great suggestion that maybe the moniker Highly Sensitive Person could be changed to something without the word sensitive, because it's such a loaded word. How about Highly Sensory Person? I like that a lot better. (Actually, the trait's scientific term is Sensory-Processing Sensitivity, or SPS--but I don't hear that used very often!) I discuss how the word sensitive might turn off male HSPs, and even how I denied being HSP at first because I didn't like "sensitive", either. Oh, did I mention it's kind of a rant? If you like the podcast, please say "thanks" by leaving a positive review on iTunes! (And if you don't like it, then please don't leave a review!) Sign up for the weekly newsletter to be notified of the latest blog posts, podcast episodes, and HSP news. Futher reading on I’m reminded that most people don’t understand (or respect) high sensitivity