Muscle for Life

Paul Revelia on How to Keep Making Progress After Your "Newbie Gains"



In this podcast I interview Paul Revelia from I got introduced to Paul’s work from Cory, who works within Legion, and immediately liked him. He’s a lifelong athlete and natural bodybuilder, he has a lot of hands-on experience coaching men and women of all ages and circumstances, and he not only really knows his stuff, but he also touches on quite a few aspects of diet and exercise that most people don’t talk about. I myself have picked up quite a bit from his work, so that’s always a good sign in my eyes. In this interview, I pick Paul’s brains about what changes as you transition from a newbie to an intermediate and ultimately advanced weightlifter. Specifically, what you need to know to make sure that you keep making progress and, just as importantly, keep enjoying your diet and training. That last point is something many people don’t consider, but it’s hugely important because even when you do everything right, progress is much harder to come by once your newbie gains are behind you. And