The Mating Grounds Podcast

Bad Advice From The Internet: “Wear This To Stand Out And Be Attractive”



In this episode of Bad Advice From The Internet, Tucker breaks down the idea of "peacocking" or "dressing like you're somebody" and related ideas about male fashion and style. Very few women decide to date or sleep with you based on what you are wearing. If you dress in a way that isn’t who you are to attract women, you are sending dishonest signals (lying). Women will inevitably figure out who you are (from of everything else about you) and lose any good first impression they had of you.  Your first goal is to not exclude yourself through your clothes. This is why Tucker and Nils got so mad at Joe in Episode 9. Being plain is okay if you have other things going for you. Figure out your strengths and what you’ve got going for you, develop those strengths, and display or compete on those strong traits to genuinely attract women. You are better off being who you really are and going to places where people will value you for who you are. This episode is sponsored by Dude Wipes, the first flushable wipes for men.