The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 330: The Science Of Hunger And The Set Point Diet - With Guest Jonathan Bailor



Among the many illnesses plaguing the Western world, diabesity, the intersection between diabetes and obesity, is becoming increasingly prevalent. This is a deadly heath epidemic, and clearly the traditional model of “eat less and exercise more” is just not enough for many folks who are battling diabesity. The solution to solving diabesity isn’t as simple as many people have been led to believe. Fighting diabesity involves improving multiple systems within the body, and naturally lowering the body’s setpoint. What most people don’t understand is that processes like hormones and inflammation are key to resetting the body’s function and fighting disease. Today you’re going to learn the science behind conquering diabesity, and a framework for how to naturally lower your body’s set point. Jonathan Bailor is here to share what’s going on behind the scenes of the diabesity epidemic, and how to optimize the body’s systems in order to reach a healthier weight, reduce blood sugar, and live longer. In this episode you’