

Welcome to. Strategy Skills episode 159, an episode with Ash Fontana on the future of AI. Ash just published a great book on AI, THE AI-FIRST COMPANY, please see a link below. THE AI-FIRST COMPANY: Among other insights, Fontana shows readers how to: Make AI your company’s first priority. Identify the most valuable data. Build AI teams. Create AI budgets. Integrate AI with existing processes. Measure its effectiveness. Reinvest the profits from automation to build a competitive advantage. About the Author Ash Fontana became one of the most recognized startup investors in the world after launching online investing at AngelList. He then became a Managing Director of Zetta Venture Partners, the first investment fund that focused on AI. The firm was the lead investor in category-defining AI companies such as Kaggle, Domino, Tractable, Lilt and Invenia.  Enjoying our podcast? Get access to sample advanced training episodes here: We use affiliate links whenever