Balanced Bites: Modern Paleo Living With Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe.

#156: New to paleo, paleo cookies, 30 day challenges, and pumpkin everything



Topics1. What’s new for you. [3:01] 2. Shout out: Nom Nom Paleo - Annual kids lunch guide [11:59] 3. In the news: * Everything pumpkin spice [15:02];* Paleo cookies in the mainstream media [19:29] 4. Listener Questions: * New baby, fibromyalgia, and getting eating back on track [29:38]; * Failing 30 day challenges and self sabotage [41:38] 5. Liz’s Homesteading QOTW: dealing with predators [54:37] 6. Diane’s Kitchen Tip: when to season food [57:37] 7. This week’s hashtag details: #firstpaleopic [1:03:55]