Balanced Bites: Modern Paleo Living With Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe.

#170: The Wahls Protocol with Dr. Terry Wahls



Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane [3:27] 2. Introducing our guest, Dr. Terry Wahls [4:24] * How long should I stay strictly on the Wahls Protocol? [15:57] * Managing the Wahls Protocol with a busy lifestyle [19:37] * What if my doctor isn't ready to listen? [23:35] * Ketogenic Wahls Protocol and Hashimoto's [26:44] * Dr. Wahls' take on coffee [29:18] * How varied should our vegetable choices be? [30:19] * Eating large amounts of fiber with Irritable Bowel                               Disease/Crohn’s/Ulcerative Colitis [37:39] * Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Seafood Health Benefits [40:05] 3. An Interview with our Sponsor: Seafood Sustainability with Randy Hartnell [43:53] 4. Update on Dr. Wahl's research trials [46:42] * Dr. Wahls' book updates [59:16]