Balanced Bites: Modern Paleo Living With Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe.

#201: All about poop with Melissa Ramos, The Poop Whisperer



Topics:1. Introducing our guest, Melissa Ramos [2:16]2. What’s with all the wiping? [7:30]3. Anal leakage problems [6:07]4. Lazy bowel/constipation problems [18:39]5. IBS with diarrhea [30:59]6. Frequency/transit time [35:29]7. Dealing with no longer having a gallbladder [38:26]8. Skinny poop [45:01]9. Pooping routine [48:22]10. Thoughts on coffee enemas [50:54]11. Holding it in; waiting to go [53:37]12. That time of the month and diarrhea [58:52]