Balanced Bites: Modern Paleo Living With Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe.

#212: Paleo Cooking Tips with Chef Peter Servold



Topics:1. A quick update from Diane [1:58]2. Introducing our guest, Chef Pete Servold [2:40]3. Paleo sauces with a good fridge shelf life [10:20]4. Favorite staples to have on hand [14:05]5. Go-to quick home cooked meal [18:51]6. How to cook a whole chicken so it’s not dry [22:50]7. Freezing seasonal veggies [25:54]8. Olive oil: to cook with or no? [30:57]9. Meals to prep that maintain integrity [35:07]10. Can’t live without kitchen utensil [39:54]11. Favorite meal to cook and to eat [43:04]12. Passions outside of the kitchen [45:10]13. Most rewarding part of building his company [52:21]