Creative Warriors

310: Tamsen Webster- Find Your Red Thread™



We often believe that if we throw a wide net we’ll catch more fish. This mentality doesn’t actually work in business. If you spread yourself too wide you won’t be able to find the audience you need. You’ll end up having a hard time explaining yourself and your business, and people will not trust that you can do everything you claim. We are joined on this episode of Creative Warriors by Tamsen Webster, who explains the importance of narrowing your focus. If you can describe who you are and what you do in six words or less you’ll be able to really pull in the audience and customers you want. Once you have them hooked you can really sell them with your elevator pitch, and start to find the results you’re really looking for. Download this episode of Creative Warriors podcast to get more insight on what you need to find your brand and build the support you need. WARRIOR OF RESILIENCE “You can’t keep a good Red Thread™ down.” -Tamsen Webster Highlights - It’s not the story that matters; it’s the meaning that