Creative Warriors

315: Talking Stick- How To Get Out Of a Funk



As entrepreneurs and Creative Warriors, being in a funk every now and then is to be expected. It's unavoidable. Putting ourselves out there as we do, we subject ourselves to many circumstances and emotions. All of which can cause us to get in a funk now and then. But we don't want to stay there too long. It can suck the life out of us and kill our productivity. So here are some funk-buster ideas to get you moving again. And yes, dogs help.  The Talking Stick is in your hands now. Let us hear from you. Be part of the conversation - We want to hear your opinion on the topic. Let us know what you think or share a personal story. Join our community Facebook group, Creative Warriors Unite, at and add to the conversation.  Contact Jeffrey - Website Coaching support Available for speaking Resources - 12 Must-Have Mindsets for Uncommon Entrepreneurs! A FREE tool for Creative Warriors to help you get clear on the ways you need to think differently to get the results you want. We've been hand