Creative Warriors

316: Anna Akbari- Hack Your Way to Happiness



Do you ever feel down and worry you’re going to be stuck there? Don’t worry, that’s a common feeling and one you should let go of. Everyone’s life is full of peaks and valleys. Just know that you’ve felt happiness before, and that you’ll feel it again. Trust in your journey, and let your happiness come from the path you are on. I know it’s easy to say but taking action or even truly understanding why you aren’t happy can be difficult.  There are typically two ways we feel down and stuck. The first is that we adapt a sense of security that holds us back. Maybe we have a steady job that pays well, but we aren’t truly  content there. Change is a scary thing, but if you want to be happy you have to learn to be a little more adventurous and make a leap into the world. Don’t let feeling secure be the reason you’re unhappy. Security is nice, but it’s not worth holding yourself back. The second reason people can feel miserable is because they are trying to force an outcome. Sometimes what we think needs to happen,