Creative Warriors

317: Talking Stick- Facing the Soul's Gatekeepers



There's this interesting phenomenon that I've experienced and have coached many clients through. It's what I call the Soul's Gatekeepers. It's the challenges, doubts, and inner conflict that shows up when you least expect it. You're proud of what you've accomplished, you're on the cusp of a major breakthrough, you know you're on track and ready to give back, and BAM! You're faced with all this stuff that holds you back. Why is that? We explore the Soul's Gatekeepers. The perfect lead into the very next episode which is about overcoming your inner critic. The Talking Stick is in your hands now. Let us hear from you. Be part of the conversation - We want to hear your opinion on the topic. Let us know what you think or share a personal story. Join our community Facebook group, Creative Warriors Unite, at and add to the conversation.  Contact Jeffrey - Website Coaching support Available for speaking Resources - 12 Must-Have Mindsets for Uncommon Entrepreneurs! A FREE tool for Creative War