Creative Warriors

320: Jason Kotecki- Avoid Adultitis by Breaking the Rules



We always hear people say, “Act your age!” But what does that really mean? What is someone who is 41 supposed to act like that’s different than someone who is 40? We are told we have to grow up, but that can come with some dangerous consequences. When we try to “grow up” we lose the ability to take chances. We become afraid of the world. Adults don’t play in the rain, they cower under umbrellas to escape the little drops of water from falling on us. We begin to follow rules because that’s what we were always told to do. There’s no reason for me to wait 30 minutes after eating before I swim. It has no science behind it, and yet many people still believe it’s true. We follow so many rules blindly, and it may be time to start letting it go. So many people suffer from what Jason Kotecki refers to as Adultitis. We need to stop trying so hard to be safe adults, and start living like curious children who aren’t afraid to dream. No one wants to be on their deathbed and look back at all the opportunities they missed b