Creative Warriors

334: Maryse Cardin- Transform Your Self-Talk



If someone you knew and loved messed up, would you call them an idiot? Would you tell them how stupid they are? Of course not. You’d tell them it was ok, and you’d support them to learn from their mistakes and move of. So why do we talk to ourselves that way? The way we talk to ourselves has a really strong impact on how we think about ourselves. If we tell ourselves we’re an idiot, we will start to believe we are an idiot, and then depression and anxiety will kick in. Instead, talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you care about and respect. Tell yourself it’s ok, allow your mind to replay the event that’s troubling you one time so you can learn from it, then move on. The longer you ruminate, the worse your mental state will become. On this episode of Creative Warriors, we are joined by Maryse Cardin. Maryse is an expert on improving your self-talk, and all the positive benefits that come from it. Download this episode now so you can learn how to stop beating yourself up, move on, and start decreas