Creative Warriors

349: Phil Jones- Exactly What To Say



If you have two identical companies, selling identical products, with the same marketing strategies, chances are one of them will make it and the other won’t. Why is that? The power of words. How we say things can have a huge impact that can either make or break us. If you enter into a conversation with confidence, knowledge, and a way to get people to trust you you’ll have far more success than someone who just tries to tell people what they think they want to hear. We need to give words more credit. Take the time to really think about what you are going to say, and how you are going to say it. This doesn’t mean you should sound like you’re reading a script, but you should know what you are going to say so well you can adjust things in the moment. Analyze what you are saying to customers, and make sure you’re getting the strongest message you can to them. On this episode of Creative Warriors we are joined by the incredible Phil Jones. Phil has studied the psychology of words in sales, and what sets people ap