Creative Warriors

353: Sharon Spano- Freedom From Chasing Time and Money



Do you know where your concept of time and money stems from? Chances are what you were taught as a child, and believed to be a concrete idea, is hurting both your personal and business life. Luckily this can all be changed. Time and Money are abstract ideas with concrete effects. This leads to a lot of confusion, and most people live in a scarcity mindset. So many of us believe that they have to protect their time and money, but in the end abundance isn’t the answer. To live a meaningful and prosperous life you need to really know the relationship between time and money. Both time and money need to be invested properly so that they can create more of both. On this episode of Creative Warriors we are joined by Sharon Spano. Sharon has written what I consider to be one of the top three most important books you need to read. She explains the importance of perception on these concepts, as well as really understanding where your ideas of money come from. Download this episode today and learn how you can shift your